Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Breweau: Triple Rock's Unusual Suspects

'Triple Rock Brewery, a staple to all beer afficionados -- or 'breweau,' as i've grown fond of referring to beer lovers as, brews about 80 beers a year, in the brewery adjacent to the bar and visible through a glass wall. Beyond their crisp Pinnacle, tasterrific Red Rock, and best-meal-in-a-glass, Porter, they are fond of experimenting. Fine by me if the beer keeps pleasing my taste buds.

"I'll let you in on a little secret," whispered my server regarding a new, unusual beer on tap, "it was an accident."

Currently, the bar's got a Usual Suspects theme going on. It must of all started when the brewers set out to make their pinnacle and "Waa-la!" out came a crisp, belgian-y, light and very tasty beer aptly named Unusual Suspects. The secret to the accidental beer? The yeast! The wrong yeast was mistakenly used in the brewing process and out came a new concoction. On my first try, a warm summery day, I found the Suspect to be full of flavor and very Belgian in style, although without the aftertaste of sweetness. The brew is served in those adorably stemmed, curvy feminine glasses, which rendered me into a classy (and sassy) lady for the 20 mins it took to drink my first beverage. My drinking partner, who happens to also be my partner-in-life, liked the carbonation release on the tongue. He was also very pleased to announce that the beer is very swillable. For those of you wheatards (allergic to wheat), you probably need to stay away from this one as the yeast used has also been used to make a wheat beer, if I understood correctly. Wheatards, beware!

If you're a fan of beercohol, try the Kaiser Sose...Alcohol content ? ? ?, but further investigation revealed its up there...above 9% I believe. The Verbal is also delic-, a light, floral option for those of you who don't look to beer drinking as an extreme sport.

Triple Rock Brewery and Alehouse
1920 Shattuck Ave. (at Hearst)
Berkeley, CA 94704

M-Th11:30 am - 1 am
F 11:30 am - 1:30 am
Sa 12:00 pm - 1:30 am
Su 1 pm - Midnight

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